8 Awesome DIY Ideas for Christmas Decor

Christmas Decor Ideas

With December month setting in, one really can’t help but bask in the Christmas vibes already. Having said that, Christmas, like every other occasion, is all about festivities and decor all around. It’s about the fir tree; it’s about the ornaments, those string lights and, of course, the old buddy Santa Claus. While we talk about Christmas decor, no single decoration can be called complete without the inclusion of flowers. Here’s a look at 8 such refreshing DIY techniques to use flowers for your Christmas decor. 


Ornamental Bouquet

Ornamental Bouquet

A combination of traditional Christmas decor elements is what generally goes into the making of an ornamental bouquet. However, while choosing your decor ornaments, ensure to look for those that can be easily removed from the top, which further helps in inserting floral wines right into them and then stick the same into several pieces of floral foam. Red and green are generally the most preferred color choices of the season and apply to ornamental bouquets as well.


Party Hats

Party Hats for Christmas

Planning a party for Christmas? This time, throw in some cool looking party hats to up the flavor. Party hats are meant to be glittery and all the way brightly colored, which, let’s face it, makes it childish and not so cure after all. Fret not. Here’s an alternative to try. Cut out papers and decorate the same with fresh blooms and foliage!


Dried Flowers

Dried Flower Wreath

 While a majority of us prefer to use fresh blooms for Christmas decor, dried flowers also come in really handy along the way. They can be used to make little ornaments for the festive season, which can further be used to decorate the Christmas tree or as a chic changing piece for just about anywhere. Apart from ornaments, one can also use dried flowers and sola balls as a decorative element for centerpieces across all seasons and any occasion. Start by using glass containers and full them up with a mix of fresh and dried flowers, which would look awesome on a center table. Improvise a little bit by considering adding another element that may be a small branch with some tea lights that can float easily right at the top when you fill it with water.


Fruits Decor

Fruit Slices as Centerpiece

One of the emerging trends in decor revolves around fruit slices being used as centerpieces across multiple occasions. Check out Pinterest if you are new to this, and there are plenty of ideas to go about it. One can consider using a combination of fruits and flowers as well to impart a twist. If you prefer to add a rustic touch to the arrangement, you might as well insert a candle right in the middle. One can use orange slices and pair it up with cinnamon sticks that emit a fruity yet an earthy smell to the surroundings. Another great option is to club pine cones to your centerpiece, which does mimic the spirit and scent of Christmas all around.


The Fishbowl

Dried Flower

A simple fishbowl can be turned into an elegant looking vase, which in turn would serve as a great Christmas ornament. Fill up the bowl with fresh and dried flowers and shape it up to a beautiful arrangement to be placed across the center and coffee tables. Gather some glitter elements and spray glue to paste the same on to the outer surface of the fishbowl. Although not traditionally a Christmas ornament project, it’s excellent DIY stuff that can be customized to your requirement and for Christmas decor as well.



Succulents Cutting

Succulents are not only cute but extremely versatile designing elements for an occasion like Christmas. Use a wooden box as the base container to put the succulents in and make a beautiful cluster. Consider adding a bit of moss right at the top or maybe small colored pebbles that would cover the soil as well. Apart from Christmas, succulents are also a great designing option for occasions like Halloween or Easter.


Twist With Table Runners

Table Runners



A Christmas table decor is left incomplete without a table runner. This year, bring in some twist by using a scarf in place of a traditional table runner fabric. Next, cover it up with a few clippings of the Christmas tree or with branches from the Eucalyptus. Use candlesticks from one place to another and tree leaves as coasters. You can also take to write on them with gold paint. Floral themes are already popular with succulents as a great variation to the decor and something that your guests will love and appreciate for sure.


Using Christmas Trees

Christmas Tree

A miniature Christmas tree is a great option to be used as a centerpiece item. It is quite an easy decor and needs only a few fresh clippings of the tree along with shears, foam cores, and a small pot. One can also decorate the centerpiece with a bunch of other traditional Christmas ornaments like pom-poms or other small ornamental pieces. Tinsels would also be a great option and, if possible, add string lights to it or around the place to heighten its impact.

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